Sunday, August 30, 2009

Owen/Eugene McEnery and Mary Collins

I think I am pretty much convinced now that the Eugene McEnery who came to America in 1899 to visit his daughters Bridget Clifford and Mary Shanahan is the Owen McEnery who was the son of Patrick McEnery and Catherine Riordan. Owen and Eugene are English versions of the same Latin name. I do not know what the baptismal records actually say, since the research centers in Ireland seem to Anglicize the names when they send you a report. (This, in my opinion, is a mistake.) A couple of family trees on the Internet have the Eugene who was the father of Bridget and Mary married to Mary Collins, whom I have as the wife of Owen. One of them gives Eugene's death date as 10 August 1906 in Newcastle West, County Limerick, but does not give a source for this information (Grrr!). I am going to change the information on WeRelate to make Eugene identical to Owen. I have to wonder, though, about Eugene being born in 1841 and Mary Collins, his wife, being born in 1830. Highly unusual!

Duh! I have my printed genealogy open in front of me, and realize that a Johanna Collins came back on the ship with Eugene McEnery and his family. She is obviously a relative of his wife. I have been wondering where a Collins would fit in.

Robert Clifford and his son Robert T. Clifford, husband and son of Eugene McEnery's daughter Bridget took a trip to Ireland in 1913. On the same ship were Joseph Shanahan and his son William. I am not sure how they fit in. I think Mary McEnery Shanahan's husband was John.

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